Ultimate Hobbyist
A place to listen to us, The Chamberlains and our friends, discuss the multitude of hobbies we've come to enjoy in our time as adults. Follow along as we brew beer, harshly judge espresso, build and shoot guns, talk about the military, raise our livestock, hunt wild game and much much more.
12 episodes
Christensen Arms Ridgeline 300 Win Mag Zeroed, Tikka goes for 200 Dope Confirmation
New Christensen Arms Ridgeline still using the old Vortex Viper PST goes for the 100 yard zero. Meanwhile, the Tikka Lite Roughtech stretches out to 200 to get a Dope Confirmation.Weapons:Christensen Arms Ridgeline 300 Win Mag w...
Season 3
Episode 3
100 Yard Zero On a New Tikka and an Old Ruger
Getting our bear hunt guns locked in at 100 yards... simple job, right? As the great Lee Corso often says, "Not so fast my friend!" Here I try to get a couple bear killers zeroed in, and you can see the initial reveal of my new Tikka and the be...
Season 3
Episode 2
Something Brewed - Top 5 Bourbon Pours 2022
On this episode, Daniel and Brian discuss their introduction to bourbon, their top 5 pours at the moment, and we do a special tasting of an allocated single barrel select.
Season 3
Episode 1
Sunset Ridge Series - Year Two of A Homestead Garden
Gardening was passed down to both of us from our families. We’ve spent many hours of our lives prepping, planting, watering, wedding, and picking a garden. We plan to continue this well into our late lives, and passing the passion on to our ...
Season 2
Episode 2
Sunset Ridge - Poultry Farming At Home
Welcome to Season 2! As you may remember last season we discussed our inability to keep our chicken brood alive, and that we had started over. Since Season 1’s end, we have added many more chickens to our coop, and unfortunately begun losing...
Season 2
Episode 1

And Miles To Go Before I Sleep - Our Family Travels
Traveling has always been a hobby for us, since our first spontaneous Hawaii trip, to Boston, to a Spring Break we won’t soon forget, our family has lived on the go.In this episode Daniel and Samantha talk about their family tr...
Season 1
Episode 6
Beards, Bands, and Antlers Oh My! - Hunting Wild Game
Hunting has almost become more sport than true survival, but it hasn’t lost its luster regardless of the reason. Every year over 15.2 million people climb into a blind, stand, or just the brush to try and take home a prize. <...
Season 1
Episode 5
Years Saved - Starting CrossFit and Our CrossFit Open Experience
We’ve only recently started to “feel” our age. Early 30s just hit different. So, we’re doing something about it and starting to get active again.On this episode Samantha and Daniel discuss starting CrossFit, what it’...
Season 1
Episode 4
Meat Sweats - Our Favorite Meals and Smoking for Beginners
Smoking meats has long been one of our favorite hobbies. Even before we had the proper equipment, the buzz around the house on smoked brisket, chicken, or bologna day was something to write home about. We’ve gotten better at the skill and no...
Season 1
Episode 3
Gunpowder and Lead - Competitive Shooters
Competition shooting is a sport that isn’t as well known as one might believe in a nation with a strong support of the 2nd Amendment. Even members of the military aren’t always well aware of the fun, and addiction, that competitive shooting ...
Season 1
Episode 2

Sunset Ridge Series - Introducing our Homestead
It’s time to introduce our homestead. We have a nice little spread in NE Oklahoma, and we’re using the place to make us happy! From an assortment of animals to a ginormous garden, we’re using the country life to help raise our boys, better o...
Season 1
Episode 1
Introduction to The Ultimate Hobbyist(s)
Meet the Ultimate Hobbyist crew, Daniel and Samantha Chamberlain. We’re just two (four counting our boys) Oklahomans who have too many hobbies, so we thought we’d add podcasting to the mix! We hope you enjoy listening to us ramble through th...
Season 1
Episode 0